Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel (HeBAI)
Editors: Oded Lipschits (Tel Aviv), Sara Milstein (Vancouver), Konrad Schmid (Zürich), Jakob Wöhrle (Tübingen)
Editorial Office: Dorothea von Böhlen (Tübingen)
Managing Editor: Jakob Wöhrle
Associate Editors: C. L. Crouch (Nijmegen), Guy Darshan (Tel Aviv), Peter Dubovsky (Rom), Christian Frevel (Bochum), Shuichi Hasegawa (Tokyo), Corinna Körting (Hamburg), Alice Mandell (Baltimore), Lauren Monroe (Ithaca), Bruce Wells (Austin), Avi Winitzer (Notre Dame)
Volume 14 (2025) / Price per volume (4 issues with approx. 520 pages)
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal focusing primarily on the biblical texts in their ancient historical contexts, but also on the history of Israel in its own right. Each issue has a topical focus.
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Price information
Volume 14 (2025)
- Institutions 294.00 € * (including IP controlled electronic access for one location (single-site: one site = one city) of a medium-sized institution (up to 40 000 users). If your institution is larger than 40 000 users (FTE), or has several locations, please contact the publisher to receive an offer. Contact: haug@mohrsiebeck.com)
- Individuals 59.00 € * (including electronic access with the user's name and password)
Optional cloth binding
Cloth binding for an additional 29.00 €
Within Germany 12.00 €
Within Germany plus cover 14.60 €
All other countries 19.50 €
All other countries plus cover 22.10 €
Current and previous volumes
You can order the current and certain previous volumes directly from the publisher (subject to availability). Please call +49 7071 923-20, e-mail: journals@mohrsiebeck.com. The price of the current issues applies to orders for back issues as well.