
New Titles

Cover of 'Rechtskonflikte'
The title »Conflicts in Law« captures the unifying rather than the divisive aspects of law: the reconciliation of conflicts about diverging fundamental rights, the rise of the modern constitutional state from a conflict-laden historical development, the synthesis of constitutional values with legal philosophical reflection, the interplay of power sharing institutions in the constitutional state and the openness of the liberal constitution towards conflicting religions.
Cover of 'Bestandsschutz im Konflikt mit dem Naturschutz'
Christian Uffelmann
Bestandsschutz im Konflikt mit dem Naturschutz
How can conflicts that arise when environmental regulations clash with legally approved projects be resolved? To find out, Christian Uffelmann outlines the legal requirements of European environmental law, details the challenges posed to undertakings that have already been given the green light, and shows how operators can deal with resulting restrictions once projects become operational.
Cover of 'Additive Überwachungsmaßnahmen'
Christian Benz
Additive Überwachungsmaßnahmen
The constitutional lawyer regularly only examines the constitutionality of a single encroachment on fundamental rights, forgetting that it is regularly carried out together with other encroachments. This applies in particular to state surveillance measures. The question is: What constitutional limits apply to surveillance measures carried out simultaneously?
Cover of 'Das Missbrauchsverbot für Unternehmen mit relativer Marktmacht'
Hyunmin Kim
Das Missbrauchsverbot für Unternehmen mit relativer Marktmacht
The German antitrust system of relative market power and the Korean antitrust system of unfair trading practices can be seen as representative examples of the expansion or extension of the addressees of the norm or the objects of abuse control. Hyunmin Kim's study aims to find a way to adequately capture relative market power to enable a targeted application of the applicable regulations in practice.