
Beiträge zur historischen Theologie

Edited by Albrecht Beutel

Among the renowned scholarly series dealing with this subject, the Beiträge zur historischen Theologie holds a special position. For more than 80 years, this series has been providing a forum for the publication of outstanding historical-theological monographs only whose design and appearance correspond to the high quality of the content. This series does not accept collections of essays or conference volumes. The series focuses on studies of all periods of the history of the church and theology. In addition, it also publishes the best historical studies which deal with subjects pertaining to exegetical, systematic and practical-theological disciplines.
The first eleven volumes of the series, supervised directly by the publisher Oskar Siebeck himself, were published between 1929 (E. Lohmeyer: Grundlagen paulinischer Theologie) and 1936 (E. Hirsch: Studien zum vierten Evangelium). After the Second World War, the series was reestablished with Gerhard Ebeling as its editor. After 28 years and the publication of 46 volumes (BHTh 12, 1950 to 57, 1978), the editorial responsibility was passed on to Johannes Wallmann (BHTh 58, 1979 to 119, 2002) for a quarter of a century. The volumes which have been published since, and those which will be published in the future, have all been and will continue to be bound by the strict, time-honored tradition of the series.

ISSN: 0340-6741 / eISSN: 2568-6569 - Suggested citation: BHTh

123 Products (1 to 10)
Cover of 'Der Text des Augsburgischen Bekenntnisses'
Andreas Stegmann
Zu Text- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
2025. VI, 282 pages. BHTh 209
forthcoming in January 2025
cloth €129.00
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ISBN 978-3-16-164163-3
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Cover of 'Modernes Frühchristentum'
Pierre Sfendules
Christian C. J. Bunsens Hippolytuswerk als Programmschrift des 19. Jahrhunderts
2024. XV, 295 pages. BHTh 208
cloth €119.00
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-163445-1
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Cover of 'Die Oxford-Bewegung und ihre Historiographie'
Christian Koch
Eine Analyse der geschichtlichen Konstruktion konfessioneller Identität im Traktarianismus
2024. XIII, 568 pages. BHTh 206
cloth €139.00
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-163370-6
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Cover of 'Johann Lorenz von Mosheim als Prediger der Aufklärung'
Sophia Farnbauer
2024. XV, 355 pages. BHTh 207
cloth €124.00
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ISBN 978-3-16-163665-3
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Cover of 'Jean Gerson and de Consolatione Theologiae (1418)'
Mark S. Burrows
The Consolation of a Biblical and Reforming Theology for a Disordered Age
1991. XIV, 312 pages. BHTh 78
eBook PDF €104.00
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-163010-1
Cover of 'Glaube und Lehre im modernen Protestantismus'
Jörg Dierken
Studien zum Verhältnis von religiösem Vollzug und theologischer Bestimmtheit bei Barth und Bultmann sowie Hegel und Schleiermacher
1996. XIV, 474 pages. BHTh 92
eBook PDF €114.00
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ISBN 978-3-16-163013-2
Cover of 'Der junge Alois Emanuel Biedermann'
Thomas K Kuhn
Lebensweg und theologische Entwicklung bis zur 'Freien Theologie' 1819-1844
1997. X, 471 pages. BHTh 98
eBook PDF €139.00
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ISBN 978-3-16-162912-9
Cover of 'Theologie als Wirklichkeitswissenschaft'
Georg Pfleiderer
Studien zum Religionsbegriff bei Georg Wobbermin, Rudolf Otto, Heinrich Scholz und Max Scheler
1992. VII, 265 pages. BHTh 82
eBook PDF €109.00
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ISBN 978-3-16-163011-8
Cover of 'Kirche im Sozialismus'
Wolfgang Thumser
Geschichte, Bedeutung und Funktion einer ekklesiologischen Formel
1996. XVII, 523 pages. BHTh 95
eBook PDF €139.00
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ISBN 978-3-16-163014-9
Cover of 'Frömmigkeit und Theologie bei Philipp Melanchthon'
Martin H. Jung
Das Gebet im Leben und in der Lehre des Reformators
1998. XVI, 399 pages. BHTh 102
eBook PDF €129.00
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-163000-2
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