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Christentum in der modernen Welt / Christianity in the Modern World

Edited by Martin Keßler, Tim Lorentzen, Cornelia Richter und Johannes Zachhuber

This series Christianity in the Modern World establishes an international forum for excellent monographs, conference proceedings and collections of essays on the modern and contemporary history of Christianity, its theologies and cultures. Its deliberately broad concept of modernity corresponds to the German term “Neuzeit.” As diverse as the modern world with its temptations and challenges has been throughout the generations, as differentiated have been the reflections and practices, institutions and formations of Christianity as it became more plural and global. The international editorial board comprises systematic and historical theologians. The series is open to manuscripts in German and English.
Submissions can be made to the publisher.

ISSN: 2749-8948 / eISSN: 2749-8956 - Suggested citation: CMW