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Fundamenta Juris Publici

Edited by Rolf Gröschner, Matthias Jestaedt and Anna-Bettina Kaiser

The Fundamenta Juris Publici (FJP) series is based on the discussion group on »Fundamentals of Public Law,« which was created in 2011 as a subsection of the Conference of German Professors of Constitutional Law. The volumes, one each year, document the paper given in the section meetings as well as both commentaries on this. The title of the series affirms the group's intention of concentrating on the »fundamentals« in their scholarly discussions: the foundations of ius publicum which are in the history of ideas, of the constitution and administration as well as the philosophies of law, the social sciences and political science, legal theory and dogmatics and the sociology of law.

ISSN: 2194-8364 / eISSN: 2569-3948 - Suggested citation: FJP