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Historische Wissensforschung Essay

Edited by Caroline Arni, Stephan Gregory, Bernhard Kleeberg, Andreas Langenohl, Simon Teuscher, and Robert Suter

The new series Historische Wissensforschung Essay is intended to complement the already established HWF series. HWF Essay offers a space for fresh and sometimes even inconvenient perspectives on the situations and contexts in which knowledge itself becomes a topic with regard to its discursive, medial, and social configurations. HWF Essay’s short monographs and treatises will devote themselves to current and historical issues in the study of knowledge. They are prepared to take risks in order to provide a critical overview, stir up debates, take a stand, or experiment with an idea.

Go to the Historische Wissensforschung series.

ISSN: 2569-3484 / eISSN: 2512-0220 - Suggested citation: HWFE