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Historische Wissensforschung

Edited by Caroline Arni, Stephan Gregory, Bernhard Kleeberg, Andreas Langenohl, Simon Teuscher, and Robert Suter

The Historische Wissensforschung (Studies in the History of Knowledge) series presents research on cultural constellations from early modern history up to the current day in which the focus is on knowledge itself. Its interest lies in analysing the origins and stabilisation, the transformation and deconstruction of knowledge in concrete practices. In short, it is interested in everything that makes knowledge recognisable as knowledge. The series thus promotes historical epistemology as well as more recent praxeological approaches in science studies and social studies of knowledge. It focuses in particular on the history of the humanities, the social sciences and human sciences, presenting critical and concrete studies which make use of the theoretical-methodological instruments of historiography, sociology and anthropology as well as media and literary studies. Monographs, habilitations or doctoral theses, forgotten or difficult to access works pertaining to the sociology and history of knowledge will be published in this series alongside edited volumes and essays.
The series is jointly overseen by five editors. All published volumes were thoroughly assessed before being unanimously accepted to the series.
Please send all manuscripts and editorial inquiries to the editorial office or the publisher.

Go to the Historische Wissensforschung Essay series.

ISSN: 2199-3645 / eISSN: 2568-8383 - Suggested citation: HWF