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Kommentare zu Schriften Luthers

Edited by Thomas Kaufmann

In our series, Commentaries on Luther's Writings, our goal is to deal with Luther?s major works in commentaries which reflect the current level of research and which will be published in loose chronological order.

The primary objective of the commentaries is to put the historical and theological content of the individual texts into the context of their contemporary position. Each of the individual volumes focuses on fostering an understanding for an access to Luther which gives the individual works, analyzed with the inclusion of their special literary and rhetorical qualities, a specific priority, thus taking into account the particular circumstances of Luther's writing.

For the sake of simplicity, the text itself will be printed in its entirety, as a rule in accordance with the critical version of the Weimar edition with the corresponding text sources. Luther's text will be provided with a continuous exegetical commentary. The individual volumes in the series will help the reader to judge for himself the historical significance of Luther's writings and will be of interest to all those students, researchers, teachers and theologians who deal with Luther's writings.

ISSN: 1864-886X / eISSN: 2569-4170 - Suggested citation: KSLuth