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Studien und Beiträge zum Strafrecht

This series aims to showcase particularly good dissertations in the field of criminal law. It complements the series Jus Poenale – Contributions on Criminal Law, which concerns itself with providing a publication platform for the habilitation treatises and monographs of tenured professors. As is the case with Jus Poenale, Studies and Contributions on Criminal Law caters for works from the subjects of criminal law, criminal law procedure and criminology, whilst also welcoming legal- and multidisciplinary themes, including those with international references. Prerequisite is that the work's focal point lies in one of the named criminal law-related subjects and emphasis is placed on a central issue of the subject.

Dr. Julia Caroline Scherpe-Blessing, LL.M. (Cantab)
Program Director Private Law, Criminal Law, and Procedural Law

ISSN: 2364-267X / eISSN: 2568-7468 - Suggested citation: StudStR