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Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum / Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity

Edited by Liv Ingeborg Lied, Christoph Markschies, Martin Wallraff, and Christian Wildberg
Advisory Board: Peter Brown, Susanna Elm, Johannes Hahn, Emanuela Prinzivalli, and Jörg Rüpke

This series is dedicated to researching the whole spectrum of antique Christianity in its diverse manifestations and contexts from its beginnings until around the seventh century. Included are studies on classical histories of dogmas, ideas and theology as well as examinations of social history, the formation of relevant institutions, and the piety and mindset of antique Christianity. Special emphasis is given to research exploring how ancient Christianity interacted and contended with contemporary Judaism and its Greco-Roman environment. For that reason, theological volumes find their place alongside studies from the neighbouring classical disciplines of ancient history, classical and ancient eastern philology, archaeology and ancient philosophy. A variety of formats, such as monographs, text editions, conference volumes and collections of essays by individual authors, are published within the STAC series.

ISSN: 1436-3003 / eISSN: 2568-7433 - Suggested citation: STAC