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Studien zur Geschichte und Theorie des Kapitalismus

Edited by Friedrich Lenger and Kiran Klaus Patel

The series Studien zur Geschichte und Theorie des Kapitalismus collects work on the economic history of global capitalism as well as studies on theoretical approaches to capitalism and histories of the disciplines concerned with it (economics, sociology, history). As nineteenth and twentieth century style industrial capitalism is itself becoming historical, today’s analysis of capitalism demands on the one hand a historical approach which precedes the onset of industrial capitalism and at least conceptually incorporates the mercantile capitalism linked to the early modern era’s burgeoning globalisation. On the other hand, it requires a careful historical contextualization of thinking about capitalism. The individual volumes of this series, be they qualifying works or other monographs, collections or more in-depth essays, should be connected through global-historical reflection and an interest in theory.

ISSN: 2567-0190 / eISSN: 2569-4499 - Suggested citation: GTK