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Cover of: Rechtsvergleichung zwischen Rechts- und politischer Ökonomie: am Beispiel des Unternehmensrechts
Katharina Pistor

Rechtsvergleichung zwischen Rechts- und politischer Ökonomie: am Beispiel des Unternehmensrechts

[Legal and Political Economics in Comparative Perspective: the Case of Corporate Law.]
Section: Siebzehnte Ernst-Rabel-Vorlesung, 2021
Volume 86 (2022) / Issue 2, pp. 327-363 (37)
Published 03.05.2022
DOI 10.1628/rabelsz-2022-0029
Published in German.
  • article PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY 4.0
  • 10.1628/rabelsz-2022-0029
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Legal and Political Economics in Comparative Perspective: the Case of Corporate Law. – Hardly another area of the law has seen as much interest in comparative analysis as corporate law, in particular the publicly traded corporation. The dialogue among legal academics from different legal systems was facilitated by the use of a non-legal language – that of transaction economics. It offered a unified standard for analyzing the pros and cons of different legal rules and models of corporate governance. Legal details remained largely under the radar. More recently, political scientists have discovered the corporation as an object of analysis and have emphasized the political economy that is represented by the establishment, development and function of the “corporation as a legal person”. This literature pays closer attention to the role of the state in corporate law but has neglected questions of comparative law. This paper argues that comparative law could and should assert itself between these two social sciences as a field that is devoted to describing and explaining the similarities and differences of legal institutions as a part of social systems.