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Hanns-Peter Kollmann

Autonome und intelligente Wertpapierhandelssysteme

Analyse, Regulierung und Haftung
[Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence in Securities Trading. Analysis, Regulation, and Liability.]
2019. XXV, 525 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-156742-1
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Modern securities trading systems can send security prices crashing or rocketing. And although market participants can face financial losses when a malfunction occurs, they cannot claim for damages under current law. Hanns-Peter Kollmann examines the case for introducing new liability regulations for trading system producers and operators, asking whether the associated practical and dogmatic hurdles could be overcome.

Schriften zum Unternehmens- und Kapitalmarktrecht (SchrUKmR)