Roman André Kowolik

Das Bail-in-Instrument

Hoheitlich angeordnete Gläubigerhaftung bei der Abwicklung systemrelevanter Banken
[The Bail-in-tool: Sovereign Loss Allocation within the Resolution of systemically important Banks.]
2018. XIX, 266 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156237-2
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-156237-2
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The EU's bail-in-tool is intended to ensure a loss allocation in line with market principles when ailing banks are placed under resolution. Roman André Kowolik examines to what extent the legal configuration has created a credible instrument with regards to the conflicting objectives it serves.

Schriften zum Unternehmens- und Kapitalmarktrecht (SchrUKmR)