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Guy Beaucamp
Das Konzept der zukunftsfähigen Entwicklung im Recht
Untersuchungen zur völkerrechtlichen, europarechtlichen, verfassungsrechtlichen und verwaltungsrechtlichen Relevanz eines neuen politischen Leitbildes
[The Legal Realization of Sustainable Development in the Future. The Relevance of a New Political Model seen from the Standpoint of International Law, European Community Law, Constitutional Law and Administrative Law. By Guy Beaucamp.]
2002. XXVI, 482 pages. Published in German.
Guy Beaucamp examines the relationship between the concept of sustainable development and the legal system. He questions the extent to which the concept has already been made into law and looks into the possibilities which are available de lege ferenda to incorporate this concept into the legal system. He concludes his study with a comparison of the German Federal Regional Planning Law and the New Zealand Resource Management Act, showing how it is possible to put more elements of the concept of sustainable development in the future into a planning law.