Konstantin Setzer

Das Mehrheitsprinzip als Optimierungsgebot für das Wahlrecht

Zugleich eine Untersuchung der Ausgestaltung der Direktwahl kommunaler Hauptverwaltungsbeamter
[The Majority Principle as an Optimisation Requirement in Electoral Law. Including an examination of the Organisation of the Direct Election of Municipal Chief Administrative Officers.]
2025. XXVI, 452 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-164287-6
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-164287-6
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While a constituency representative could enter parliament with twenty percent of the votes, a further ballot would be necessary in a mayoral election with the same vote result. Konstantin Setzer analyses from a legal dogmatic perspective why the majority principle has such varying effects, and which electoral systems are constitutionally admissible.

Beiträge zum Organisationsverfassungsrecht (OrgVR)