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Karsten Nowrot

Das Republikprinzip in der Rechtsordnungengemeinschaft

Methodische Annäherungen an die Normalität eines Verfassungsprinzips
[The Republican Principle in the Community of Legal Systems. Methodological Approaches to the Normality of a Constitutional Principle.]
2014. XIX, 847 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-153114-9
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What is a republic? Challenging the traditional perception of the republican principle as a concept of constitutional law that is distinctively awkward and difficult to approach, Karsten Nowrot identifies new suitable perspectives and methodological approaches aimed at specifying the normative content and structure of this legal principle. The book illustrates the current notable potential of the republic as a normative guiding idea for the emerging community of domestic, supranational as well as international law.

Jus Publicum (JusPubl)