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Kai Ensenbach

Der Prognoseschaden bei der Untreue

Vom »Gefährdungsschaden« zur wirtschaftlichen Prognose anhand der Sicherheitslösung
[Prognosis Damage in Embezzlement. From Danger Damage to Economic Prognosis with the Security Solution.]
2016. XVIII, 408 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
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  • 978-3-16-154296-1
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The concept of damages by danger has up until now been characterised by a seeming discrepancy. An economic disadvantage can already exist although outwardly it may still appear as (only) a threat. Kai Ensenbach examines this contradiction from the point of view of embezzlement and develops a new solution.

Studien und Beiträge zum Strafrecht (StudStR)