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Reimund Schmidt-De Caluwe
Der Verwaltungsakt in der Lehre Otto Mayers
Staatstheoretische Grundlagen, dogmatische Ausgestaltung und deren verfassungsbedingte Vergänglichkeit
[The Administrative Act in Otto Mayer's Teachings. Basic Principles of Political Science, Dogmatics and their Constitutionally Contingent Transitoriness. By Reimund Schmidt-De Caluwe.]
1999. XXII, 333 pages. Published in German.
Reimund Schmidt-De Caluwe describes the influence of the constitutional monarchy's understanding of the state on the development of German administrative law in Otto Mayer's teachings. He focuses on an analysis of the law pertaining to the administrative act as an institution which up to the present day has remained central to German administrative law. It is here in particular that the typical structures which have their roots in a pre-democratic understanding of the state are shown. The author demonstrates that these ideas of an authoritarian state can be found again today in a sublimated form in the practice and the study of administrative law.