Lino Munaretto

Der Vorbehalt des Möglichen

Öffentliches Recht in begrenzten Möglichkeitsräumen
[The Proviso of the Possible. Public Law and Limited Possibilities.]
2022. XXV, 545 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161745-4
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-161745-4
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Rights are costly. Not everything that is legally required can be optimally fulfilled because public resources are scarce. The "proviso of the possible” functions as resource constraint in fundamental rights doctrine. Lino Munaretto's study examines the legal significance of this key concept from a theoretical and doctrinal perspective, arguing that the proviso is not only a limitation of rights, but also a margin of appreciation that points to the democratic contingency of political decisions in distributive conflicts.

Beiträge zu normativen Grundlagen der Gesellschaft (BnGG)