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Florian Gonsior

Die Verfassungsmäßigkeit administrativer Letztentscheidungsbefugnisse

Behördenorganisation und Verwaltungsverfahren als Mittel zur Kompensation materiell-rechtlicher Defizite am Beispiel der Bundesnetzagentur im Telekommunikationsrecht
[The Constitutionality of Administrative Final Decision-Making Powers.]
2018. XXII, 406 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-155353-0
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How to deal with regulatory agencies' power to make final decisions has always been a big challenge for the law. Taking the regulation of telecommunications as an example, Florian Gonsior examines which roles are assigned to the authority and the administrative procedure in this constellation, and shows how organisational and procedural regulations could compensate for substantive weaknesses.

Studien zum Regulierungsrecht (SRR)