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Christoph Brüning

Einstweilige Verwaltungsführung

Verfassungsrechtliche Anforderungen und verwaltungsrechtliche Ausgestaltung
[Preliminary Administrative Management. Constitutional Requirements and Regulation under Administrative Law.]
2003. XXI, 612 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-148184-0
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The regulations of administrative law assume it is in principle possible to implement substantive law on a lasting basis if the facts are sufficiently clear under the law. However the administration is under pressure to make a preliminary decision if the implementation of a regular administrative procedure would be too late. Christoph Brüning examines possible solutions to this problem and comes to the conclusion that this could be remedied by an official interim arrangement which is based on weighing the interests of all concerned instead of a complete application of the law.

Jus Publicum (JusPubl)