Sebastian Keding

Finanzmarktsteuerung durch Kreditsicherungsrecht

Die Entstehungsgeschichte des konkursrechtlichen Pfandbriefprivilegs in § 35 Abs. 1, 2 des Hypothekenbankgesetzes vom 13. Juli 1899
[The Regulation of Financial Markets by the Law of Credit and Security. The History of the Bankruptcy Privilege as Stipulated in the Hypothekenbankgesetz (Mortgage Bank Act) of 13 July 1899.]
2013. XXVII, 442 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-160612-0
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-160612-0
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Sebastian Keding analyzes the relationship between the law-making state and financial markets in the 19th century. Drawing on some previously unexplored sources, for this he examines contemporary discussions concerning a preferential treatment of Pfandbrief holder in the case of the issuers' bankruptcy.

Rechtsordnung und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (ROWG)