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Yves Georg

Freigebige Zuwendungen an Personengesellschaften

Zugleich ein Beitrag zu den schenkungsteuerlichen Implikationen des Gesellschaftsrechts, des Ertragsteuerrechts, des Bilanzrechts und des Bilanzsteuerrechts
[Generous Donations to Partnerships. A Contribution to the Gift Tax Law Implications of Corporate Law, Income Tax Law, Accounting Law and Balance Sheet Tax Law.]
2023. XLVI, 624 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-161946-5
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The study examines donations to partnerships under the principles of corporate law, income tax law, accounting law and balance sheet tax law. For this purpose, it analyzes the tax subject and the object of the donation in general and donations by partners, sister partnerships and third parties as well as the subjective nature of the donation in particular.

Veröffentlichungen zum Steuerrecht (SteuerR)