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Martin Gellermann

Grundrechte im einfachgesetzlichen Gewand

Untersuchung zur normativen Ausgestaltung der Freiheitsrechte
[Fundamental Rights Dressed as a Simple Law. A Study of the Normative Form of Rights of Liberty. By Martin Gellermann.]
2000. XXIV, 491 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-147441-5
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Fundamental guarantees in the 'Grundgesetz' (Basic Law), such as the guarantee of the right to possess property, the freedom to form a coalition and broadcasting freedom are subject to change by the lawmaker. With this complementary aspect to the relationship between fundamental rights and simple law, the author has touched on a problem area which has been largely ignored in the field of basic constitutional rights. Martin Gellermann fills the gap by outlining fundamental rules for dealing with the norms of sub-constitutional law.

Jus Publicum (JusPubl)