Methodenfragen der Romanistik im Wandel

Paul Koschakers Vermächtnis 80 Jahre nach seiner Krisenschrift
Edited by Tommaso Beggio and Aleksander Grebieniow
[Methodological Issues on Roman Law in Times of Change. The Legacy of Paul Koschaker's »Krisenschrift« Eighty Years after its Publication.]
2020. XIV, 236 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-159275-1
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This book offers an overview of the methodological debate that took place in Roman law scholarship at the beginning of the twentieth century. It pays particular attention to the up-dating that was proposed by Paul Koschaker in his »Krisenschrift« in 1938. Koschaker's concern regarded whether Roman law was still practicable in terms of legal dogmatics, or if it was merely a product of history and part of Europe's cultural heritage. The question has never gone away and remains at the heart of the methodological discussion of Roman law scholarship. Indeed, the current crisis of the European project and the emergence of new doctrinal pleas underline its topicality and demonstrate its enormous flexibility over the centuries in different socio-economic environments.

Ius Romanum (IusRom)