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Bernd J. Hartmann

Öffentliches Haftungsrecht

Ökonomisierung - Europäisierung - Dogmatisierung
[Public Liability Law. Economization - Europeanization - Dogmatization.]
2013. XIX, 484 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-152526-1
Published in German.
  • eBook PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY 4.0
  • 978-3-16-152526-1
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State liability law is a notorious branch of law, chaotic and fragmented, a »patchwork rug« and a »shambles« at the same time. This treatise proposes a new legal doctrine which attempts to systematize public liability law in an economically substantiated way, inspired by EU law, and based on the demand for unification.

Jus Publicum (JusPubl)