Mathias Hong

Todesstrafenverbot und Folterverbot

Grundrechtliche Menschenwürdegehalte unter dem Grundgesetz
[The Prohibitions of Torture and the Death Penalty: The Essence of Human Dignity in Fundamental Rights under the Basic Law.]
2019. XIX, 274 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156929-6
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-156929-6
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Taking human dignity seriously as a constitutional right means defining it inductively by specifying the essence of dignity contained in other fundamental rights. Mathias Hong investigates the rights not to be subjected to torture and to the death penalty as two such specific prohibitions.
The three volumes (JusPubl 276, 277, 278) can either be purchased separately or as a set.

Jus Publicum (JusPubl)