Anuscheh Farahat

Transnationale Solidaritätskonflikte

Eine vergleichende Analyse verfassungsgerichtlicher Konfliktbearbeitung in der Eurokrise
[Transnational Solidarity Conflicts. A Comparative Study of how Constitutional Courts Deal with Eurozone Conflicts.]
2021. XXII, 445 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-159471-7
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Anuscheh Farahat suggests understanding legal disputes surrounding the Eurozone crisis as transnational solidarity conflicts. By developing a standard of reflexive democracy that allows constitutional courts to channel the destructive potential of such large-scale social conflicts, her study provides an approach that also helps to get to grips with current solidarity conflicts in the EU.

Jus Publicum (JusPubl)