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Antje Schumann

Verhör, Vernehmung, Befragung

Zu Geschichte und Dogmatik des Rechtsbegriffs der Vernehmung im Strafprozess und seiner Auflösung im 20. Jahrhundert
[Judicial Questioning. Its History, Dogma and Status in Twentieth Century Criminal Proceedings.]
2016. XIII, 265 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-154127-8
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-154127-8
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In criminal proceedings, interrogation is crucial to establishing facts. But what exactly is an interrogation? The Code of Criminal Procedure provides rules - rights and duties - for interrogations but offers no definition. Consequently it is not clear when these rules are to be observed. On the basis of the history and dogmatics of German criminal procedure as well as findings of forensic psychology, Antje Schumann develops a definition of interrogation which limits the power of the state and safeguards the rights of the person interrogated.

Jus Poenale (JusPoen)