Early Christianity (EC)

Managing Editor: Jens Schröter 

Editors: Jörg Frey (Zürich), Teresa Morgan (New Haven), Clare K. Rothschild (Chicago), and Jens Schröter (Berlin) 

Advisory Board (2023–2025): Mordechai Aviam (Kinneret College), Dylan Burns (Amsterdam), John S. Kloppenborg (Toronto), Christina Kreinecker (Leuven), Laura Suzanne Lieber (Durham, N.C.), Hindy Najman (Oxford), Janet Spittler (Charlottesville), and Jürgen K. Zangenberg (Leiden)

ISSN 1868-7032 (Print Edition)
ISSN 1868-8020 (Online Edition)

The journal is concerned with early Christianity as a historical phenomenon. Thereby, Early Christianity aims to overcome certain limitations which have hindered the development of the discipline, including the concept of the "New Testament" itself. The journal, then, is taken to cover not only the first Christian century but also the second.



Please send manuscripts, editorial inquiries and all book review proposals to the editor

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Theologische Fakultät
Redaktion Early Christianity
Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter
Burgstraße 26
D-10178 Berlin

E-mail: early-christianity@hu-berlin.de

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For articles in journals, exclusivity falls away one year following publication, for chapters in edited volumes after two years. Correspondingly, you may then (a) reproduce and distribute a print version of your contribution; (b) grant another publisher non-exclusive permission to reprint an article following its publication with us; (c) make the print identical version accessible online for non-commercial purposes only. In all cases, full reference is to be made to the original Mohr Siebeck publication and, for journal contributions where applicable, mention made of the article's DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

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